So it's official! I'm not aloud to complain ever again in my life.
Why? because I feel like the luckiest person in the whole, like... since ever!!!
Thank you God, Goddess, eternal Spirit, Buddha, Allah, Jesus, Lao-Zi, Universe, Oprah, everything and everyone!
Because Whether their were forces with or against me, Things played out in such away that provided me such amazing resource's, great opportunities and lovely gifts.
I've been very blessed in my 22 yrs of life. I hope that everyone gets the chance to see one of their dreams become a reality.
Being given the opportunity to Illustrate this book was a dream come true for me.
I'd like to thank Ben Butcher for being one of those forces that fought for me.
Because of Ben, i was inspired and encouraged to illustrate the book using whatever medium i wished to execute it in. Thank you Kat Chanover, Stella Koh, Ricky Nierva, Kelly Bonbright , leigh Anna McFadden, Aiden Cleeland Kelly for being supportive forces, and of course my family & friends.
Anyone who's interested in buying the book might be pleased to know that it's only $3.99. Even during these challenging economic times, that's a good a deal! You can find it at Barnes & Nobles, Borders or order it on Amazon. Click on the link toward the right of the screen if you'd like to order it now: )
Wow!! This is so cool! Definitely gonna have to pick it up. Congrats!
Congrats man! This is awesome!
Hey you! I just bought it on amazon. I can't wait to see it in person!!
That's soo exciting! Congratulations :)
So awesome man! Congrats. Looks fantastic!
omg, very awesome.
i already told you...but you're the man. it's true. i'm gonna get it once i save up for a few more months...then i'm gonna get you to autograph it...
Wow! Congratulations, it looks amazing!
wow christian thats amazing! I can't wait to pick up a copy!
Thank ya'll very much!
I'm glad to here you purchased a copy Brigette b, I hope you like it.
Hi Phil, I'm working on a collection for you right now. where going to earn enough mullah for you to have your very own copy, give us a few weeks.
Yay! Ryan : )
Wow, yeeeah! So cool Christian! Im so happy for you, cant wait to see it in person.
did you go to B&N???? i am gonna get mine soon so you can sign it ASAP :)
WOW! Christian, congrats!!! I'm soooo happy for you, it's so well done! Definitely going to get a copy. You inspire me with your work and how honestly you express urself in your posts! :):)
Hey are you coming down here anytime soon? Cuz I also want you to sign *my* copy, which I have and love.
awesome work christian, congratulations!
p.s. i love your films too!
Hey Max, Thanks!!! I wonder what you're up to these days. Probably something ridiculously cool!
Hongyi you ROCK!!! You're too kind, thank you : )
Hi Diana,
I'm going to try and make it to the producers show this year. so hopefully i'll see you there.
thank you everyone!
Christian the book is fantastic! Congrats my friend!
I have no more to say than... WWWWOW!
Mr. Robinson, this is truly amazing work!
Congrats on the beautiful book, Christian! It has been added to my must buy list.
Amazing! Your style lends itself beautifully to the book. Can't wait to see it person, because I'm sure it's lovely!
I heard that you did a book for "Up" and here it is. Wow. Congratulations.
Beautiful work!
freaking amazing! I can't believe it. I'm going to buy one for sure!
sweet excellence!
they couldnt have chosen a better man for the job
Thanks Lorelay, I could say the same thing about the several children's books you've illustrated.
Thank you Matt, i can't believe it either : )
Thanks Carrie for the awesome comment.
thank you all, Yaaay!!!
Fantastic looking book, Christian. Definitely picking this one up.
Christian, the book looks beautiful! Congrats.. you deserve it!
Amazing Christian, The book looks amazing!!!
Good work!
That dogs are very real even for the childish-like style.
The bulldog is scary
looks great dude. You should give me a free copy!
BTW, we all need to thank Oprah.
Hey Christian. This is awesome!! Congratulations.
Wow!! congratulations Christian, I just got my copy and it looks awesome.
Thanks for the awesome comment SteveLambe, Zar, Romney, Food and Drugs, Ed, Daron, Will, Sadie!
I appreciate every single one! Thanks for the support and encouraging words: )
Wow..unique expression of joy. SO humble with a loud talent.
Wonderful! work! Some nice shapes!
Hope to see some more inspiring stuffs from you!
So Awesome!
I was looking for it at Disney store, I guess I will get it online. It looks awesome.
hmm I think you need to fly to montreal and give me a crash course on this young professional stuff.
It looks fantastic!
Pure awesomeness! Congratulations!!!!
Awesome job dude!
haha. Man these are awesome you big ole bag of Awesomeness you! As soon as I get 4 bucks I'm gonna buy one :) !!
man, i love the look. christian robinson, an accomplished illustrator and freestyler. don't let the smile fool ya. he's rugged.
I really love your work, the simplicity of your shapes and your style…
Congrats, Christian! I'm gonna go find me one this weekend.
I saw this book last night and thumbed through it, and my wife and I admired the art very much!
I'm going to order it on Amazon right now!
I'm staring a Pixar blog called Pixar Fanboy, would you be interested in doing a short interview sometime?
Good gracious! this is the greatest response of comments i've ever received on my blog. Thank you all so very much for making me feel special. I'm ummm... yeah! thanks.
Hi Tommy, i'm flattered that you would want to interview me on your blog. It would be my pleasure to chat with you about what ever! shoot me an email sometime.
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